
Weitere Sprachen: deutsch

First coin finds online


Two months after the start of the “Before the curtain” project, funded by the “Cultural Heritage Digital” initiative of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport, the first 800 coins, all from the collection of Heinz Nowak, go online - many more will follow.

The edition of the sites is still in progress, but one can expect exciting insights into the monetary history of the Roman period in the eastern Austrian region. The pieces are partly well preserved, partly very badly preserved, such as the coin shown here from the middle of the 4th century, on the reverse of which - it is hard to believe - a soldier is depicted about to stab a horseman (so-called horseman's fall). This very poorly preserved piece is compared to a coin of the same type from the collection of the Coin Collection. Nevertheless, it is precisely this contrast with “cabinet pieces” that shows the everyday monetary life of the ancient world.

Stay tuned!